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The Holy Theophany and Baptism of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Աստուածյայտնութիւն /Asdvadzahaydnootiun
By Father Garabed Kochakian “And straightway, coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove...
Images of the Nativity
Fr. Garabed Kochakian Although the word “Christmas” is never used in scripture, the word itself means “Christ's Mass,” a day (a...
The Visitation of the Magi to the Savior Who came to earth to bring us to Heaven
By Father Garabed Kochakian Holy Nativity by Fr. Garabed Kochakian Painted sacred art called Icons are important as they include many...
The Place of the Icon of the Blessed Mother of God in the Armenian Church.
By Father Garabed Kochakian Since the establishment of the Christian faith in various the parts of the then known world, holy images...
Miraculous Icons
Fr. Garabed Kochakian Miracles have always been at the center of the Armenian Church’s life and, at times, attached to certain sacred...
How To Serve in the Church?
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian I vividly remember the advice of my seminary teacher: “Whenever you celebrate mass, do it as if it...
The Spirituality Behind the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian The Armenian Church celebrates the sacrament of Holy Matrimony with a beautiful service. The attention of...
The Spirituality Behind Church Bells
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian Church bells form part of the liturgical tradition of all orthodox churches, including the Armenian...
The Spirituality Behind the Sacrament of Chrismation
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian As Christians, we bear Christ’s name. We also bear the honor of being anointed. Jesus was recognized by...
What Kind of Prayer Can I Say Before Receiving the Holy Eucharist?
St. Gregory of Narek, in his book of prayer, writes a powerful prayer addressed to the Holy Spirit for the Holy Eucharist. Every time...
The Spirituality Behind The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian The full meaning behind every aspect of the Sacrament of Holy Baptism cannot be covered in a single...
From Fallen Nature to Glorious Beings
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian When Adam and Eve failed to keep God’s commandment to stay away from the forbidden tree, God told Adam:...
Why Do We Need A Covenant With God?
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian When we read the Holy Bible, particularly the Old Testament, we get the impression that God expects humans...
Why Do We Only Receive a Tiny Piece of the Holy Eucharist?
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian We receive a small portion of the Holy Communion during Divine Liturgy. This is not a coincidence. What is...
The Spirituality Behind The Armenian Church Funeral Rite
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian We rarely reflect on the spirituality of Armenian Church funeral rite. When we lose a family member, we...
He Restores Our Crown!
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian During the Divine Liturgy, you will notice the celebrant removing the helmet or mitre from his head before...
Why Did God Rest on The Seventh Day?
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian I have always thought about God’s commandment to keep the seventh day of the week holy. Before Christ,...
How Should We Receive Holy Communion?
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian How should we receive Holy Communion? We often don’t think about this question on Sunday. We approach and...
Why Do the Clergy Wear Brilliant Vestments?
V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian While attending the Divine Liturgy, many people ask themselves, “why do the Armenian clergy wear colorful...
Spiritual Meanings Behind Priestly Ordination (Part 2)
by V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian The Holy Sacrament of the ordination continues on Sunday during the Divine Liturgy. This is the day...
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