Intercession of The Saints
by V. Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian The Intercessions immediately follow the hymns to the three persons of the Holy Trinity. The...
Intercession of The Saints
The Holy Circle
We Are Debt Free!
Christ Raises His Body and Blood
Laying Our Hands on The Lamb
Chanting "Holy, Holy, Holy..."
Why Do We Bow Down on Our Knees?
Confession of faith in the Holy Trinity - by St. Gregory of Narek
God Honored Us More Than the Angels
Walking Through The Door of Mercy
The Kiss of Peace
The Embodiment of Love and Sacrifice
Can I Come In?
Christ is Walking
Our Restored Nature
Confession of Faith!
The Power of the Word
Spirituality Through the Structure of the Armenian Divine Liturgy
Why Do Armenian Clergy Sit at the Front of the Church?